Sunday, June 8, 2014

Text Messaging

      Do I feel the use of text messaging makes students less likely to perform well in formal writing assignments? Absolutely. I feel students get so use to using slang terms or shortening words and sentences for easier texting that it then transfers over to their communication while talking along with assignments for school. Once you are used to speaking or writing a certain way and making words shorter, you will then do that without the second thought of where you are saying and doing it at. 
      Teachers should never allow students to use text acronyms or abbreviations in formal writing. This is allowing students to basically sound like they have no education and are unable to carry on an educated conversation with someone. The way you communicate on paper is usually how you would communicate to someone when you are speaking with them. I feel like using abbreviations and acronyms in a formal writing class would be taking away the educational benefit of the class by allowing slang and laziness into a classroom.
      Text messaging has no positive impact on communication in my opinion. Text messaging can be helpful if the person likes to double check what they have typed out and uses correct grammar and punctuation, however, most people rarely do that. Luckily, phones have the ability to change the word to the correct spelling and some people actually spell things out because of it. But, I feel like text messaging is actually making people "dumber" in a sense because it shortens people's vocabulary and makes some people unable to spell words correctly in their every day life, such as their job or classes at school.  

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